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Pinterest for Android: How to Edit Boards

Pinterest boards organize your pins. There are different editing features associated with boards on Pinterest. For instance, you can edit the description of a board, its topic/category, merge it with another board, delete it, add collaborators to a board, etc. Some of these options are simple to find. But some of them are not. There are two different method of editing a board. One is easy, quick and direct. Read on if you want to know more about those two methods of editing a board on Pinterest through an Android device. Gain more control over how your Pinterest is organised with boards by editing and managing them.

Pinterest for Android: How to Edit Boards- Method 1

1. Sign in to your Pinterest from an Android device.

2. Go to your profile.

Pinterest profile on Android app.

3. From boards’ section you’re redirected to, tap and hold a board to be edited.

4. Select Edit.

Edit option for board on Pinterest for Android.

5. Edit the highlighted sections as per desired. Tap Done.

Editing a board on Pinterest for Android.

To Edit Collaborations

1. To add members to a board, tap on Collaborators.

2. Select Add Collaborators.

Adding collaborators on Pinterest for Android.

3. Invite Pinterest members or other contacts.

Inviting members to collaborate on a board on Pinterest.


4. Turn on toggle for Add more people to let collaborators add members.

5. Turn it on for Request to join to make users ask your permission before joining your board.

To Edit Board Type

1. To keep a board private, turn on toggle for Keep board secret.

Changing the status of a board on Pinterest to private.

2. To personalize home-feed according to a specific board, turn on highlighted toggle.

Opting to personalize home feed according to a board on Pinterest for Android.

To Manage Boards

1. For adding a board’s pins into another, tap Merge boards.

2. Select the board you want to merge current board with.

Merging boards with other boards on Pinterest for Android.

3. Follow the prompt.

4. To stop getting similar board recommendations, archive current board by selecting Archive board.

5. Follow the prompt.

Archiving a board on Pinterest for Android.

6. Tap delete board to completely get rid of current board.

7. Follow the prompt.

Deleting a board on Pinterest for Android.

Pinterest for Android: How to Edit Boards – Method 2

1. Sign in to your Pinterest from Android.

2. Go to profile > boards > select a board > more.

3. Tap on Edit.

4. Follow same steps mentioned above.

5. Tap on share board to generate a shareable link of that board.

Sharing a board from Pinterest.

Things to Remember

Anyone can edit a board, be it on a personal Pinterest account or Pinterest for business. The latter comes with unique board optimization options.

Only you are able to see private boards. Edits made to such a board will not be visible to anyone but you.

When you save pins to a secret board, user you saved the pin from isn’t notified. When you save pins from a secret board, name of user you saved it from isn’t going to show on that pin.

If you want to share a secret board, you can invite friends to collaborate or make the board public.

More on Pinterest

Pinterest has a lot of easy-to-execute features and options  Some of those you can get help with from the following tutorials:

How to Order Your Boards on Pinterest

Tune Pinterest Home Feed in the Latest 2019 Update

Pinterest: Delete an account

How to Claim Instagram Account on Pinterest

Installing Pinterest Share Button for Firefox

Sheraz Ali
Sheraz Ali
An established copywriter, with a longstanding experience in a vast array of industries, including but not limited to spirituality, technology, cannabis and travel.


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