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HomeInternetHipTop SidekickT-Mobile Sidekick: Useful Hotkeys, Viewing IP Address, Snowboarding Game, and More

T-Mobile Sidekick: Useful Hotkeys, Viewing IP Address, Snowboarding Game, and More

This tech-recipe is for Sidekick owners who want to use their device more efficiently by employing commands and hotkey combinations. The tutorial describes how to use both jump menu and email hotkeys to perform tasks such as finding your Sidekick’s IP address and playing a hidden game.

To really use the T-Mobile Sidekick efficiently, one must know some of the useful hotkey combinations found in the user’s manual and also ones that are not. Read on to discover their some of their uses.

At the Jump screen, complete the following steps:

1. Look up phone number/contact:
Hold and let go of the following keys: Menu + Space

2. Turn the Sidekick into a Mirror (i.e., blank the screen)
Hold and let go: Menu + Shift + M. Back or Jump will bring the screen back.


3. Soft Reset Your Sidekick
Hold the following keys: 1 + @ + 0

4. View your Sidekick’s IP Address, Network Status, Packets Information
At the Jump screen, hit Menu > Network Status.
Then hold MENU + M to bring up your IP address and other network information.

5. Snowboarding Game (hidden)
At the Jump screen, hit Menu > Settings > About Sidekick
Once you are at the About screen, hold Menu + Shift + 8 to get the snowboaring game.
Spacebar jumps!


6. Email Hotkeys (listed in user manual):

New Email: Menu + N
Check Email: Menu + U
Reply to Email Message: Menu + R
Forward Email Message: Menu + J
Add as a contact: Menu + @
Move message: Menu + O , then choose folder

Jimmy S
Jimmy S
Jimmy Selix is an early adopter that loves to be one of the first on the block to have the latest and greatest in technology and gadgets. Another love of his is being able to share his knowledge to others seeking it. Feel free to drop any comments or questions that you may have.


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