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HomeInternetAndroidHow to Hide Likes on Twitter

How to Hide Likes on Twitter

So you’re sick and tired of getting random messages and/or follower requests from total strangers on Twitter. You’ve tried everything and they still keep spamming you. There’s always a quick fix to everything; you just have to look deeper. In this case, it’s a two-word solution: private account. This single click-of-a-button feature fixes a whole lot of problems, including hiding tweets you’ve liked on Twitter. Mostly, it’s your liked tweets/retweets that leads to those spammers to your profile. So, apply this quick fix on your profile by finding out how to hide likes on Twitter (Android) in just 5 steps!

Hiding Likes on Twitter in Just 5 Easy Steps:

To start:

1. Launch the Twitter Android app.

(The method is pretty much the same for Twitter’s iOS and desktop versions.)

2. Tap on menu icon from top-left corner.

3. And then tap on Settings and privacy.

4. Go to Privacy and safety.

5. Turn on toggle for Protect your Tweets.

And that is literally it on how to hide likes on Twitter.

Now, in case you’re wondering how this is related to hiding your liked tweets, it’s simple: changing your Twitter account from public to private makes ALL your content private, including liked tweets.

Additionally, you can also unlike a previously liked tweet on Twitter. It’s even simpler. Here’s how:

Unliking Liked Tweets on Twitter:

1. Launch Twitter app.

2. Open menu from top-left corner.

3. Tap on your profile image OR, simply tap on Profile.

4. Open Likes section.

5. Hit the heart on whichever tweet you want to unlike.

The tweet will then be removed from your liked ones. And no, there’s no way to undo this action, unfortunately. Not yet anyway.

Private Twitter Account

Such an account has its perks, such as a stop to all those annoying follower or message requests from total strangers. Think of this as a one-fits-all solution; private account means no more stalkers, either. Less to show, but more security on your part.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. I privatize my account, will that hide my likes from followers also?

Not at all, your followers and following accounts will still be able to see all your likes, tweets and retweets. This setting only prevents accounts you don’t follow from seeing your likes and retweets etc.

2. Will my followers be notified when I change my account from public to a private one?

No, only you will be made aware to this change in settings. Since your Twitter followers are already following you, they will still be able to see your likes and other content.

3. If I unlike a liked tweet, will it also be removed from a list I previously had it added to?

No, you’ll have to remove it from that list yourself.

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Sheraz Ali
Sheraz Ali
An established copywriter, with a longstanding experience in a vast array of industries, including but not limited to spirituality, technology, cannabis and travel.


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