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HomeEntertainmentGamesPSP: Installing Devhook v.51 on a PSP with v1.50 firmware

PSP: Installing Devhook v.51 on a PSP with v1.50 firmware

If your like me, you like to do with your devices what you may. I prefer to use my PSP more for homebrew than games since most of the newer games imo were pretty bad. however, some newer games (GTA, Lumines2) have tempted me to buy them but i do not want to lose my ability to play homebrew. also my pals ps3 and prospects of buying FFVII on his PS3 in the near future is tempting to upgrade my firmware. lets avoid that update and ffix that and introduce you to our new friend, Devhook.

This recipe explains how to install Devhook v.51 and emulate v3.02 firmware on your v1.50firmware psp. Warning: Not responsible for any damage/use of recipe

First things first. You will need the following files (direct links not included due to legality/liability/etc blah ), a memory stick, and of course a psp w/v1.50 firmware.
but here’s a hint

-Devhook v.51 (by Booster)
-3.02 Devhook Firmware Installer v0.1b (by tommydanger)
-DevHook v0.51 with 3.02 Menu (by projectx007, adds 3.02 menus to devhook screens, more options)
-v3.02 firmware update eboot file (named eboot.pbp)
-game UMD (i always have a game in, just to be sure).

Now, copy the files from the devhook zip/rar onto the root of your memory stick. (ie x = memory stick drive, x:\ ), you’ll have three folders; PSP (prob there already), dh, and fpm folder.

ALSO be sure to create a 302 folder in the dh folder (ie x:\dh\302). and also copy the contents of the 301 folder (the f0 and f1 folder) to the 302 folder we just made.

Next, copy the dh folder from the DevHook v0.51 with 3.02 Menu zip/rar into the root of your psp.

Now, copy the folders from the Devhook installer to PSP folder (like any homebrew, you’ll the ever famous two folders/kxploit).

Copy the v3.02 firmwareupdate file into the root of your memory stick (x:\eboot.pbp) and make sure its named eboot.pbp.

Also, if your in the USA or use the X to enter/select; your X and O buttons will be flipped around but we can change that by adding a registry hack. Go out onto google and find this file: devhook button swap mod by dmoney5150. follow the readme txt and prob fixed (put in the dh\302\f1\registry folder and overwrite current files). the one for v3.01 will work w/3.02 firmware.

the root of your memory stick should look similar to this (i reformatted before installing and have not added any other homebrew or files).

Now, fire up your PSP. Go to the Games folder and into the Memory stick and then run the 3.01 DH FW Installer app (yes, name for the icon is wrong, but you can confirm the version on the main screen)

It will load, once you get to the main screen, hit X button to start the eboot extract/firmware install.
If you get an error such as
[quote]Failed to creat report file.
Stick may be full or can’t create OUT folder, [b]first, be sure there is a 302 folder in the dh folder (ie. x:\dh\302)

Finally it will do the extract and when done it will reboot your psp. now you can go into the Game menu again and go to the Devhook v.51 launcher beta app and it will load to the basic Devhook menu.

To Run v3.02 firmware (ie get the browser, wma/flash media playback, rss feeds, ps3 connectivity, locationfree player, and play all newer UMD games ), use these settings in Devhook v.51. The O button selects, Triangle goes back.

UMD Select: UMD Disc (for a newer UMD Game, ie GTA)

Firmware: 3.02 (MS or flash+MS)
CPU Clock: Set to your preference (i run default to be sure it works)
Boot Mode: set how to boot, also can turn off autoplay in here too. very nice since i’ve been dealing w/that since day one.
Flash Install: we’ll talk about this next, since we have to install the firmware temp to the memory stick into f1 memory.
Other Menu: more advanced options, read up on them once you get the 3.02 boot mastered.

Flash Install: the scariest part (imo, but really isn’t that scary, just have a full battery or on the charger when you do it, the app recommends it too. be warned, not responsible for bricked psps).

Go into the menu, choose the option to “Install configfile to flash1:”.

You will get the warning screen, once your ready

hold down the O button for 1 second to start. It will then go through a bunch of commandlike screens and then stop and have a “press any button to return” in the middle. Hit any button.

you should be back at the psp devhook menu, now go ahead and lets play that new UMD we just bought and get a taste of what the new firmwares offer! hit the Start Devhook.

Your PSP will reboot and you should now get the PSP menu or if the option is on the devhook xmb menu.

so there you go! your running 3.02 on your v1.50 psp and enjoying the rewards of both having a the latest firmware and the greatest old firmware. 🙂

remember, use for good, not for evil..
i hope to buy some PSone games on my pals PS3 since i have my wii.

also, feel free to drop a comment/pm if you have problems with this guide (this method worked fine for me but i’ve noticed variations in the zip/rar files for DH and the other addons).

Jimmy S
Jimmy S
Jimmy Selix is an early adopter that loves to be one of the first on the block to have the latest and greatest in technology and gadgets. Another love of his is being able to share his knowledge to others seeking it. Feel free to drop any comments or questions that you may have.


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