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Thief 4 Walkthrough for Chapter 5: The Forsaken

After completing all the missions in Chapter 4, follow this walkthrough to help Garrett find information about Erin in the Asylum, bypass some monsters, and complete the missions in this creepy chapter.

Now that you have saved your friend in need, we will continue the adventure in the Asylum.

Enter the Asylum

Follow the white spot onscreen to get to the Asylum. You should notice that the front door is locked; however, it will open by itself later to let you in. In the mean time, go around the area to collect items.

Thief 4 walkthrough Chapter 5 The Forsaken Thief 4 walkthrough Chapter 5 The Forsaken

Find Information about Erin

Go to the third floor of the Asylum, and head to the objective location. You will learn that you will need a key from the Male Ward to get in the room. The objective location will be updated onscreen, so you can find your way there easily. However, on your way to get the key, you will be blocked by a gate. In order to lift the gate, use the wheel in the nearby room.

Thief 4 walkthrough Chapter 5 The Forsaken

Once you are near the key location, go into the nearby room, use the small hole to get in the room containing the key.

Thief 4 walkthrough Chapter 5 The Forsaken

Now that you have the key, let us head back to the previous location to unlock the room.

Search for Asylum Records

The records of the Asylum are located inside the small room that has open flames. However, the fence prevents you from getting inside. Luckily, there is a hole at the back of this room. You can spot it easily by looking up and finding the spot where the light shines through.

Thief 4 walkthrough Chapter 5 The Forsaken

You can get to that hole by jumping on the shelf at the back of the room.

Thief 4 walkthrough Chapter 5 The Forsaken

Descend to the Treatment Level and Find Room “3F”

Follow the onscreen indicator to get to the treatment level. There is nobody here, so you do not have be careful while heading to the location. Later, you will find a big hole on the way, just jump over it, and you will get to the treatment level.

Thief 4 walkthrough Chapter 5 The Forsaken

In this level, you will have to find the room named “3F.” It is on the right side and is very easy to find. Once you find the room, take a look inside it using the peephole.

Thief 4 walkthrough Chapter 5 The Forsaken

Find and Start the Power Generator

The power room is on the right side of Room 3F. There is a switch at the back of this room that can be used to turn on the power of the whole area.

Thief 4 walkthrough Chapter 5 The Forsaken

Find a Way into Room 3F

On your way back to Room 3F, you will find a button in the room on the left side. Use it to open the doors of all rooms in the treatment level.

Thief 4 walkthrough Chapter 5 The Forsaken

Go into the room in front of you and get to 3F using the hole on the wall.

Thief 4 walkthrough Chapter 5 The Forsaken

Descend to the Asylum’s Lowest Level

After the cutscene, you will see a guard beating someone. Let him finish the guy, come back to the room on the right, and then quickly move to the elevator. We want to get to the lowest level of the Asylum, so press down.

Thief 4 walkthrough Chapter 5 The Forsaken Thief 4 walkthrough Chapter 5 The Forsaken

Locate Erin’s Holding Cell

There will be monsters that can attack you on this level, so be careful. The safest way to get closer to the objective is by moving to the higher ground on the right. There are monsters on both sides of the lower level, so you may not want to deal with them.

Thief 4 walkthrough Chapter 5 The Forsaken

Next, jump down to the lower level and get closer to the cell.

Thief 4 walkthrough Chapter 5 The Forsaken

You will see a monster or two standing in the pathway to the cell. The problem is that they are not moving anywhere else. To cause a distraction and force them to move out of the way, grab your fire arrow and burn this area up. Once the monsters see the light, they will move out. Wait for the fire to die out completely, and head to the cell.

Thief 4 walkthrough Chapter 5 The Forsaken

After you get to the cell, Erin will talk to you. Head to the second floor using the path in front of your initial position, and open the door where the light comes out.

Thief 4 walkthrough Chapter 5 The Forsaken

There are two more rooms in this area that you have to visit before you can complete this creepy mission. The second one is on the ground floor, and the last one is on the right side of the door to the second room. There should be light coming out from the doors, so it is easy to find them.

When the game asks you to hold Y to observe, jump on the beds, get the flower, jump to the second floor, and get out of there.

Thief 4 walkthrough Chapter 5 The Forsaken

Get to Northcrest Manor in Auldale

You start this mission in Stone Market. Just follow the objective indicator to get to the location. There will be only a few guards in this mission. To get through the guy holding the bow in front of the building, move behind the crates. After you have bypassed the guard, just walk normally to the location.

Thief 4 walkthrough Chapter 5 The Forsaken

The Baron’s Mansion in the A Man Apart Chapter awaits us next.

Lê Hoàng
Lê Hoàng
When not creating exciting new Android games, Lê Hoàng is here crafting tutorials, tweaks, and fixes for your enjoyment.


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