Footnotes are sometimes necessary for providing additional information in your document. They normally use a superscript number as a marker, making it easy for the reader to simply look down from the text to the notes at the bottom to gather further information. Word automatically keeps track of the numbering and placement of the footnotes for you, making this a painless task to perform when writing that thesis, book, or scientific paper. To insert footnotes into your Word document, do the following…
1. Click the place in your document that you wish to place the insertion point for the reference mark to the footnote.
2. In the Ribbon, click the References tab.
3. In the Footnotes section, click Insert Footnote. Word will insert the reference mark at the point you selected and then take you to the bottom of the page.
4. Type your footnote.
5. When you are done, right-click the footnote and select Go to Footnote to take you back to the insertion point in the main body so you can continue working on your document.