If you frequently email the same group of recipients, a distribution list can be a real time saver. Instead of having to add each individual contact one-at-a-time, you can simply add the distribution list to your email and you have included all of those contacts in one step.
1. Go to the Standard toolbar and click New and select Distribution List (if you aren’t displaying the Standard toolbar, click File, mouseover New and select Distribution List).
2. A blank Distribution List will appear. In the Name textbox, input a name for your list.
3. Go to the Ribbon, in the Members section, and click Select Members.
4. The Select Members window will appear.
5. Double-click on each contact you wish to add to the list, they will appear in the Members textbox.
6. When you have selected all of the contacts you wish to add to the distribution list, click OK.
7. In the Distribution List window, go to the Ribbon and in the Actions section, click Save & Close.
8. The newly created distribution list will now appear in your contacts.