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HomeMicrosoft OfficeMicrosoft OutlookOutlook 2003: How to send a multiple day meeting request as one...

Outlook 2003: How to send a multiple day meeting request as one request

this is a recipe i just tasted last week at work. the client wanted to be able to have a meeting request that was on thur at 5p – 10p and then fri and sat at 8a – 5p. however, he wanted this request to be only 1 meeting request not 3 that the invitees would receive. lets get cooking!

here we go!

we will use my example in the description: (thur at 5p-10p, fri and sat at 8a-5p). and it must be ONE meeting request that is sent out (trust me, i do not know of any other way than this)

1. In outlook, go to your Calender and then File > New > Appointment.
2. Setup the first days appt (thur 5p-10p). Then go to Actions > Recurrence.
3. In the recurrence box, choose the following (for our example); leave the start and end times alone, change pattern to be Daily, everyday. Then change the range of recurrence to End after “3” occurrences and click OK.
4. Fill in your subject and also the reminder options and any notes and then click on Save and Close.
5. Now, go to the calender, find the 2nd day, fri, and double click on it. and Open this occurrence.
6. Edit the date start / end time to be 5p to 10p. click Save and Close.
7. Do the same for sat and again save and close.
8. Now, we are going to double click on either of the days and choose to “Open this series”.
9. This will now open the meeting w/the recurrence pattern showing. Click on the Invite Attendees button and put your own email in the To: field. also if you do not want responses back change that in the Actions menu. and then click Send. you should receive one appt request for the first day and two updated requests for fri and sat (again, notice 3 notifications for the one appt)
10. Now, go back into the same calender appt/meeting request and again open the series, now go to Actions > Forward. This will open a new meeting request that we can send this to the people and they will receive only one request. Just change the subject and body and if you want responses or not (in actions menu) and then click send.

VOILA! one request!

Jimmy S
Jimmy S
Jimmy Selix is an early adopter that loves to be one of the first on the block to have the latest and greatest in technology and gadgets. Another love of his is being able to share his knowledge to others seeking it. Feel free to drop any comments or questions that you may have.


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