This tutorial explains how to add programs to the right-click menu.
Note: I will be adding a link for or a DOS prompt since that is what was specifically requested, but any application can be added in similar fashion.
Right-click on File:.
- -Open regedit. (Go to Start\Run; type regedit.)
-Expand until you are in HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\*\shell.
-If the key ‘shell’ does not exist, right-click on * and add a new key. Name it “shell.”
-To add the item, right-click on shell, and create a new key. The name of this key will be what appears in the menu. I named mine “cmd.”
-Next, right-click your newly created key, and create another key under it named “command.”
-Double-click the default entry in this folder, and type in command.exe.
-(If you are doing a different program, you would do the complete path to that program instead of command.exe.)
Now, when you right-click on a file, the option to open a command prompt will be there.
Right-click on Folder addition:
- (I realize there is a tech-recipe for this already, but now it is all in one place.)
-Open regedit.
-Expand until you are in HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Folder\shell.
-If the key ‘shell’ does not exist, right-click on Folder and add a new key. Name it “shell.”
-To add the item, right-click on shell, and create a new key. The name of this key will be what appears in the menu. I named mine “cmd.”
-Next, right-click your newly created key, and create another key under it named “command.”
-Double-click the default entry in this folder, and type in command.exe.
Now, when you right-click on a folder, the option to open a command prompt will be there.
Enjoy addition of any program you wish.
As always questions may be sent to [email protected]
-William. § (marvin_gohan)