After creating your PDF document, you may decide that you do not want the contents altered or possibly even printed. Here’s how to prevent editing and/or printing of your PDF document:
1. Click Secure on the Adobe Acrobat toolbar and select Password Encrypt.
2. When asked if you want to change the security on the document, click Yes.
3. In the Permissions section, check the Restrict editing and printing of the document checkbox.
4. Input a password into the Change Permissions Password textbox.
5. Select the type of printing allowed (if any) from the Low Resolution (150 DPI) or High Resolution from the Printing Allowed dropdown.
6. Select the type of changes allowed (if any) from the Changes Allowed dropdown. Choices are None; Inserting, deleting and rotating pages; Filling in form fields and signing existing signature fields; Commenting, filling in form fields and signing existing signature fields; and Any except extracting pages.
7. Click OK.
8. Save the document.