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HomeUNIX shellKorn shellAppending a List of Files to One File Using xargs Command

Appending a List of Files to One File Using xargs Command

This tech-recipe explains how to use the xargs command in Korn shell to work with multiple files. The instructions will show how to combine ten files into one file, without manually combining them using a: cat file1 > bigfile, cat file2 >> bigfile, etc. The uses of this command are wide and most helpful. Using the xargs command is an effective way to work with large amounts of files. For example, it can even help you avoid “the parameter list is too long” message when trying to grep more than 1024 files.

The following tutorial contains instructions for the use of a basic ksh command: xargs.

If you work with AIX/Unix/ksh, most likely there are times when you need to do multiple procedures with files. This tutorial will show how to append a list of files to one large file using two commands, versus manually combining them using cat file1 > bigfile, cat file2 >> bigfile, etc.

In my example, I am going to take the contents of five files and combine them into one big file.

My files are: file1, file2, file3, file4, file5.
The combined file will be called bigfile.dat.

Also, I have all the files in the same directory. (/usr/acct/test/files/ )

First, we will create a list of the files. This is extremely helpful when working with large amounts files (1500, for instance).
For my example, I would type this command:

ls | grep file > filelist

The ls command will list the contents of the directory. Then I search for any file that has file in its name and append the results to a new file called filelist.

Now, we have a list of the files we want to combine into one bigfile.dat.
To combine these files, I will type the following:

cat filelist | xargs cat >> bigfile.dat

This command tells me to take the list of files (filelist); and then for each file listed, append the contents to the file bigfile.dat.

The xargs command is useful when combined with pipe ( | ). xargs will allow you to work with large numbers of files in a list or grep’d.


Here is a description of the xargs command, courtesy of our AIX/KornShell Reference Manual.


The generated command line length is the sum of the size, in bytes, of the Command and each Argument treated as strings, including a null byte terminator for each of these strings. The xargs command limits the command line length. When the constructed command line runs, the combined Argument and environment lists can not exceed ARG_MAX bytes. Within this constraint, if you do not specify the -n or the -s flags, the default command line length is at least the value specified by LINE_MAX.

Here are a few examples of using the command from our manual.

To insert file names into the middle of command lines, enter the following:

ls | xargs -t -I {} mv {} {}.old

This command sequence renames all files in the current directory by adding .old to the end of each name. The -I flag tells the xargs command to insert each line of the ls directory listing where {} (braces) appear. If the current directory contains the files chap1, chap2, and chap3, this constructs the following commands:
mv chap1 chap1.old
mv chap2 chap2.old
mv chap3 chap3.old

Here is another example:
To use a command on files whose names are listed in a file, enter the following:
xargs lint -a Definition/Examples taken from the following sources:
AIX Version 4.3 Commands Reference, Volume 6 applies to the AIX Version 4.3, 3270 Host Connection Program 2.1 and 1.3.3 for AIX, and Distributed SMIT 2.2 for AIX licensed programs,

Jimmy S
Jimmy S
Jimmy Selix is an early adopter that loves to be one of the first on the block to have the latest and greatest in technology and gadgets. Another love of his is being able to share his knowledge to others seeking it. Feel free to drop any comments or questions that you may have.


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