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HomeSolarisSolaris system administrationTroubleshoot SCSI Devices with Probe-scsi-all

Troubleshoot SCSI Devices with Probe-scsi-all

If you experience trouble with SCSI devices, one of the best ways to determine if the host hardware can see the SCSI hardware is with probe-scsi-all. This recipe describes a procedure to use this command.

The probe-scsi-all is a bootprom command that is not available in the Solaris operating enviroment. To use it, you must be at the ok prompt. To access this prompt, you must be consoled into the computer through a serial interface or the RSC (remote system control) card, if present. Once you have access to the system console, the safest way to get to this prompt is to use the init command in Solaris:

sync; sync; init 0

This will change the system’s run level to 0 (bootprom) shutting down processes gracefully. At this point, the system has not restarted. To avoid serious problems, it is best to restart the system before running probe-scsi-all. Since you need to be at the ok prompt after rebooting, set the auto-boot? environment variable to false and reboot:

setenv auto-boot? false

You will be able to see the system restart and should get back to the ok prompt. Now you can issue the command:


The output of this command will show you all of the SCSI devices that the host system can see and their device paths. Note the following example:

Target 0
Unit 0 Removable Tape QUANTUM DLT7000 2150
Target 1
Unit 0 Removable Device type 8 HP C6280-7000 2.00

Before you reboot your system, you must reset the auto-boot? variable to true:

setenv auto-boot? true

Quinn McHenry
Quinn McHenry
Quinn was one of the original co-founders of Tech-Recipes. He is currently crafting iOS applications as a senior developer at Small Planet Digital in Brooklyn, New York.


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