If you do a lot of changes to your system’s settings, you will rapidly become tired of having to constantly input your password each and every time you run a sudo command. By following this recipe, you will be able to perform the commands password free.
1. Open a terminal window.
2. Execute the following in a terminal window:sudo visudo
3. Input the administrative password.
4. To allow all members of group sudo to not need a password, arrow down to the following line and uncomment it (remove the #):%sudo ALL=NOPASSWD: ALL
To allow only a certain user to not need a password, arrow down to a blank line and enter the following(change
5. Press F3. You will see a prompt at the bottome of the screen that reads File Name to Write: /etc/sudoers.tmp. Hit backspace 4 times to remove the .tmp extension and press Enter.
6. You will then be asked if you wish to overwrite the existing file, press Y.
7. Close the terminal window.