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HomeAppsHow to Disable Twitter’s News For You Notifications

How to Disable Twitter’s News For You Notifications

The “News for You” feature on Twitter is a bit different from other notifications . It specifically notifies you about the latest news on twitter. For example, if a football match is going on or the US elections are in full swing, it’ll inform you about the latest highlights and updates concerning these events. This way, you don’t have to keep your eyes glued to the screen and have an invitation to follow what you want to and discard the rest.But, if this doesn’t tickle your fancy, you can learn how to disable Twitter’s News For You Notifications.

Sometimes, there are things you don’t care about. A sports enthusiast doesn’t care much about politics. So, he doesn’t want updates of the elections popping up on his twitter notifications bar. Fortunately, twitter allows you to turn off “News for You” notification to provide flexibility in this regard.

Here’s how:

Disabling Twitter’s News for You Notifications Feature

1. Open the Twitter App on your Android or iPhone.

2. Tap your profile Picture.

3. Then, go to Settings and Privacy.

4. In the settings list, click Notifications.

5. Under preferences, tap Push Notifications.

6. Under From Twitter, turn off the News slider.

7. First, open the Twitter app on your phone. Tap your profile picture and then tap “Settings and Privacy.”

That’s it. From now on, you won’t see Twitter’s News for you Notifications feature.

Why am I seeing News for You Notifications on Twitter?

Remember, the government shutdown that happened last year? It was significant event and Twitter decided that people should be alerted about its latest developments. So, the social media platform pushed it to people’s home screens. It also sent the news directly to the mentions tab in the app.

The feature was a huge success. Therefore, Twitter decided to make it a permanent thing. The truth is that the platform had been testing the feature for over a year. Last year’s lock down was just the perfect moment Twitter needed to roll it out to its users.

How Do News For You Notifications Work?

The notifications are personalized, meaning not every users gets the same push notifications. The algorithm decides which user gets which notifications depending upon past search history, likes on the platform, and other factors.

Ultimately, the notification takes you to what Twitter calls a “Twitter Moment” — a set of tweets collages together into one themed thread. Twitters posts these collection of threads and they cover a particular topic.

It’s quite obvious why Twitter has introduced the feature: To drive engagement. The thinking behind is quite similar to how publishers entice readers to a big store.

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Sheraz Ali
Sheraz Ali
An established copywriter, with a longstanding experience in a vast array of industries, including but not limited to spirituality, technology, cannabis and travel.


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