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Thief 4 Walkthrough for Chapter 3: Dirty Secrets

After you have completed the second chapter, follow these instructions to help Garrett get the book in the ancient ruins.

Once you have completed the Dust to Dust chapter, you will be exploring the Brothel next.

Find the Entrance to the Brothel

1. You start this mission with some guards around you. Avoid them, go straight until you see a wall, turn right, and turn left. You will then see a man who is being guided inside by a guard. Follow the two until you see more standing guards.

Thief 4 walkthrough chapter 3 Dirty Secrets

To get through these guards, wait for the walking guard to stop and turn his back to you. Then, walk slowly behind him. There is a bird in this area. Do not move too fast, or the bird will be frightened and cause the guards to look for you.

Thief 4 walkthrough chapter 3 Dirty Secrects

Continue walking down the path until you see the rich man talking with the guards in front of the gate. It will not be possible to get inside using the front gate. Walk to the other side of the area, and climb on the wall to get in.

Thief 4 walkthrough chapter 3 Dirty Secrects

Explore the Brothel for Clues

1. Once you get in, use the switches to open the doors. The location you want to reach is on the second floor, so you will have to go deeper until you find a staircase.

There should be a guard on the way to the staircase, so it is not recommended to take this route. A better way to get to the stairs is to turn to the right, walk on the path behind him, and go upstairs. Please see the picture to get a better idea of how to pass this part. There is a guard walking in this room, so it is a good idea to let him leave the area before you proceed.

Thief 4 walkthrough chapter 3 Dirty Secrects

2. While you are on your way to the second floor, you will notice a guard standing in front of the entrance. To get in safely without his noticing, wait for him to look out of the window, and then you can walk normally into the room. There is also a bird in this area. Be careful, or you will cause alerts.

Thief 4 walkthrough chapter 3 Dirty Secrects

3. After successfully going through the entrance, go in the room on the left, pick the lock to another room, and you will finally get to Xiao-Xiao’s room. There are hidden switches behind the picture on the wall; unlock them to get access to the hidden underground area.

Thief 4 walkthrough chapter 3 Dirty Secrects

Once you get into the underground area, notice the small peepholes on the wall that let you see what happens inside the rooms. The first one you want to take note of is the second one on the left. We will have to come back to this spot later to solve a puzzle.

Thief 4 walkthrough chapter 3 Dirty Secrects

On your way to a deeper area in the library, you will find a podium that can be used to activate a gate.

Thief 4 walkthrough chapter 3 Dirty Secrects

Before you can unlock the gate, there are some symbols that you need to find first. The first one is on the gate. You can move closer to it, and activate your vision to see it. There are three other symbols that we need to find.

Thief 4 walkthrough chapter 3 Dirty Secrects

Assuming that you are standing in front of the gate, turn left, walk along the path, and you will find another peephole on the wall. There is a woman hitting a man in the room; the symbol we want is located near the top right of the curtain. If you have enough power, active your vision to find it more quickly.

Thief 4 walkthrough chapter 3 Dirty Secrects

After you spot the second symbol, walk to the next spot on the wall, and take a look inside. The symbol is on the wall near the top left of the curtain.

Thief 4 walkthrough chapter 3 Dirty Secrects

The final symbol can be spotted through the spot that I mentioned as soon as we get into the underground area.

Thief 4 walkthrough chapter 3 Dirty Secrects

Once you have all the symbols, come back to the podium, use it, and align the highlighted symbols on the item using the arrow keys.

Thief 4 walkthrough chapter 3 Dirty Secrects

When all the symbols are aligned as in the image below, insert it into the podium to unlock the gate.

Thief 4 walkthrough chapter 3 Dirty Secrects

Explore the Ancient Ruins

1. Walk along the path until you see the ruins on the right side. To get through them, press E. Once you get out of the ruins, you should be able to see a door that leads to the next area. Before you open the door, activate your vision to find a switch that can be used to turn off the trap, and then proceed farther.

Thief 4 walkthrough chapter 3 Dirty Secrects

2. The next area also has a deadly trap. Find the switch, and turn the trap off so that you can walk in.

Thief 4 walkthrough chapter 3 Dirty Secrects

Search the Abandoned Library for the Book

1. The book that you are looking for is not on the shelf. It is located in an even deeper area. To get there, follow the white spot onscreen, move closer to the bookshelf, press E, find the correct book, and pull it out to gain access to the next hidden area.

Thief 4 walkthrough chapter 3 Dirty Secrects

2. Walk along the small path until you see the wheel in the picture below. We will use it to pull the stairs to our side so that we can get to the tower.

Thief 4 walkthrough chapter 3 Dirty Secrects

Once you are on the lower floor of the tower, you will see two paths. There is another wheel on the left path (x) that controls that second bridge. However, it is not recommended that you use it at this time. We will get back to it later. Choose the path on the right, get to the higher tower, jump down, and you will see another wheel controlling the third bridge.

Thief 4 walkthrough chapter 3 Dirty Secrects Thief 4 walkthrough chapter 3 Dirty Secrects

Use the wheel to turn the bride to the position that you see in the picture below. Then, turn back to the tower from which you have just jumped down, jump to the second floor, and come back to the wheel that controls the second bridge or the X spot that I marked in the picture above.

Thief 4 walkthrough chapter 3 Dirty Secrects

This time, you have to pull the bridge close to you, head to the next floor, and jump down to the third bridge. The puzzle is solved!

Thief 4 walkthrough chapter 3 Dirty Secrects

You will then follow the path on the left side and make a jump into the tower from the top floor.

Remove the Ritual Book

1. Use the item that you found in Erin’s hideout, align the symbols like you did in the previous objective, put it on the podium, and get the book.

Thief 4 walkthrough chapter 3 Dirty Secrects

Escape the Ancient Ruins

1. Jump on the table where you got the book, climb the rope to get to the roof, and then go down from another tower. From this point, you just go back to the place where you originally entered.

Thief 4 walkthrough chapter 3 Dirty Secrects

2. When you get to the higher area of the ruins, you will see two guards talking. Quickly walk to the right side, and exit this area before they try to find you.

Thief 4 walkthrough chapter 3 Dirty Secrects

3. On your way to higher ground, there will be many guards, so please do not take the normal route. When you see a guard walking down, hide in the nearby room. There is a bottle on the table in this room, grab it for latter use. It is not required to grab it, but if you do not want to kill anyone, it is essential.

Thief 4 walkthrough chapter 3 Dirty Secrects

4. Look up in the room where you are currently hiding, find the anchor beam, and use the rope arrow to attach a rope to it. When you climb to the top of this rope, jump to the nearby one.

Thief 4 walkthrough chapter 3 Dirty Secrects

5. Jump from the third rope to the ground, throw the bottle you recently picked to the right side to distract the guard, and run to higher ground.

Thief 4 walkthrough chapter 3 Dirty Secrects

6. You will see another guard looking for you once you get to the highest level of the ruins. If you do not want to take him down, walk to the left side, jump on the crates, and grab the nearest rope to climb upstairs. From this point, just follow the white spot to finish the mission.

Thief 4 walkthrough chapter 3 Dirty Secrects

Go to the Crippled Burrick

1. You start this mission at the same spot as you did in the previous chapter. To get to Basso’s room, follow the path on the rooftop to get to the other side, and jump down.

Thief 4 walkthrough chapter 3 Dirty Secrets

Go to Greystone Plaza

1. After you exit Basso’s room, wait for the guards to go the left side, and move quickly behind the crates to get closer to the plaza.

Thief 4 walkthrough chapter 3 Dirty Secrets

2. Later, you will see a group of people arguing with the guards. Take advantage of this, and move to the location before they spread out. That is the end of this chapter.


With the chapter finished, we will advance to steal the architect’s plan.

Lê Hoàng
Lê Hoàng
When not creating exciting new Android games, Lê Hoàng is here crafting tutorials, tweaks, and fixes for your enjoyment.


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