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HomeWindowsWindows GamesThief 4 Walkthrough for Chapter 2: Dust to Dust Part 1

Thief 4 Walkthrough for Chapter 2: Dust to Dust Part 1

You have reached Basso and the old chapel. This walkthrough contains steps to help you get in the foundry, steal the ring from the General, and escape the foundry.

In Thief, players have many ways to complete a mission. However, this tutorial focuses on the stealth path which allows you to play through a level without killing too many enemies.

You have seen the Queen of the Beggars in the Lockdown chapter. Now, we need to get into the Foundry.

1. Because there are many guards and light areas, my advice is to avoid fighting as much as possible, or you will lose your health and armor unnecessarily.

To get down safely, grab the rope, go down, and press X to land on the crate.

Thief 4 Chapter 2 Dust to Dust Walkthrough

Next, climb up the ladder on the opposite side. This area is completely dark, so the guard on the bridge will not be able to spot you.

Thief 4 Chapter 2 Dust to Dust Walkthrough

Get to the other side of the area by taking advantage of the shadow. Once you reach that side, jump into the hole, which lets you get closer to the gate safely.

Thief 4 Chapter 2 Dust to Dust Walkthrough Thief 4 Chapter 2 Dust to Dust Walkthrough

You should be very close to the gate when you get out of the hole. As one of the guards is heading to the other side of the area, turn right, and pick the lock on the gate.

Thief 4 Chapter 2 Dust to Dust Walkthrough

Open the gate, and get to the other side of the wall to get to the foundry.

Thief 4 Chapter 2 Dust to Dust Walkthrough

2. This area is rather safe, so you can move quickly without being spotted. Follow the white spot onscreen, and climb up the pipe to get inside the foundry.

Thief 4 Chapter 2 Dust to Dust Walkthrough

When you see a guard below you, take him down as soon as possible, or you will not be able to jump down.

Thief 4 Chapter 2 Dust to Dust Walkthrough

After you take down the guy, go downstairs, and look out of the window to trigger the next objective.

To get through the three guys in the area without being noticed, jump out of the window to the anchor, and jump to the left twice to get to the second floor.

Thief 4 Chapter 2 Dust to Dust Walkthrough

There will be a guard on this floor. However, as he is walking, you can sneak behind him without being spotted. Wait for the right moment, follow him, and then turn right.

Thief 4 Chapter 2 Dust to Dust Walkthrough

After getting past the guard, jump onto the crate, and grab the hook to go deeper into the factory.

Thief 4 Chapter 2 Dust to Dust Walkthrough

3. As soon as you get to the next factory area, jump to the ground, or the guard will spot you.

Thief 4 Chapter 2 Dust to Dust Walkthrough

Go to the corner of this room, and pick the lock on the door to get to the next area. Proceed with caution. There is broken glass on the ground, so you should try to walk slowly to avoid making unnecessary noise.

Thief 4 Chapter 2 Dust to Dust Walkthrough

Be careful in the next area because there will be a guard near the unlocked door. However, he quickly follows another guy. The safest way to go deeper inside the factory is by following this guard. However, before you do that, make sure you have a bottle because you will use one later. If you do not have a bottle, grab one in a nearby room. (The room is marked with a red arrow in the picture.)

Thief 4 Chapter 2 Dust to Dust Walkthrough

At some point, the two guys will stop and block your way. To cause a distraction, throw the bottle to the side that is opposite the guards, and then quickly hide in the cabinet. As the two guards come to see what happened, get out, and quickly get to the next room on the left.

Thief 4 Chapter 2 Dust to Dust Walkthrough

4. Now that you are in deeper, you will see a guard sleeping. There is a locked door on the left side which requires a special key to unlock. The key is in the wardrobe in front of the guard; you will have to pick the lock the on wardrobe to get it.

Thief 4 Chapter 2 Dust to Dust Walkthrough

Next, jump to higher ground, and grab the hook again.

Thief 4 Chapter 2 Dust to Dust Walkthrough

5. In the next area, jump to the ground as soon as you hear someone talking so that you will not be spotted, and walk along the route to get the lower floor of the building.

Thief 4 Chapter 2 Dust to Dust Walkthrough

After the cutscene, your objective is to get the ring from the General. In order to get to his room, go to higher ground, and take advantage of the shadow to get through the guards. There is a small hole in the window that lets you see where the General is putting the ring.

Thief 4 Chapter 2 Dust to Dust Walkthrough

After you see him put the ring in the strong box, turn back, and climb into the hole on the left side to get into his room.

Thief 4 Chapter 2 Dust to Dust Walkthrough

Now that you have access to the strong box, you will have to solve a puzzle to unlock it. Use the arrow keys to switch and rotate the squares to make the center of the board a circle to unlock the box.

Thief 4 Chapter 2 Dust to Dust Walkthrough Thief 4 Chapter 2 Dust to Dust Walkthrough

6. After you get the ring, a guard spots you, and rings the alarm. You have to get out of there using the back door as quickly as possible. There will be two guards outside. Move quickly to the opposite side while they are talking, or you will be spotted later.

Thief 4 Chapter 2 Dust to Dust Walkthrough

Wait for the two to separate, and head to the alley in front of you.

Thief 4 Chapter 2 Dust to Dust Walkthrough

Go behind the other guard in this area to get to the white spot. Even though you can use the water arrows to extinguish the flames, you should not. Instead, jump in the hole, and get to the other side of the room. Now, no one can see you because they are focusing on the other side.

Thief 4 Chapter 2 Dust to Dust Walkthrough

As one guy leaves the area, you should be able to jump to the other side without any trouble. From there, you can follow the blue-highlighted path to get out.

Thief 4 Chapter 2 Dust to Dust Walkthrough

Thief 4 Chapter 2 Dust to Dust Walkthrough

7. Once you get out, there will be three guards actively seeking you, so it would be very dangerous to fight all of them. To get through this area, you first jump on the soft rooftop. The broken rooftop will cause noise and draw the attention of the guards. One of them will go check what has happened from the window. At this point, you have to get out of the house quickly, turn right, and crawl under the crate. If you do not perform this action fast enough, you will fail.

Thief 4 Chapter 2 Dust to Dust Walkthrough Thief 4 Chapter 2 Dust to Dust Walkthrough

Next, quickly get into the house using your special ability. There is a guard in this area, so keep an eye on him.

Thief 4 Chapter 2 Dust to Dust Walkthrough

8. Once you are in the house, get to the top floor, and escape using the window.

We will need to meet Basso in our next step to complete the Dust to Dust chapter next.

Lê Hoàng
Lê Hoàng
When not creating exciting new Android games, Lê Hoàng is here crafting tutorials, tweaks, and fixes for your enjoyment.


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