Friday, January 24, 2025
HomeEntertainmentWii: Getting DVD Slot to Glow When Not Playing

Wii: Getting DVD Slot to Glow When Not Playing

this is a quickie recipe on how to get the dvd slot to glow when you are not using your wii. this requires your wii to be on wiiconnect24 (ie have a wifi network and a wii and enabled the wiiconnect24 option and the glowing slot option on the wii)

well, got my wii on launch and have been having a blast with it so far!

i’ve noticed quite a few owners of the wii that are peeved that the dvd slot does not glow when playing their wii, this i cannot change (atleast w/o a hardware mod that is but not for a while.. hehe.).

however, i’ve found a quick and easy way to get your wii to glow when its in standby mode.

first, you will need to add your own email to the Wii’s Message Board calender. Just go to Message Board > Create New > Address Book > Other

give your email an nickname (this will show as the message subject/title on the message boards) and your email. you should then get an email from your wii console w/an address like this: [email protected]

basically your email is: w+your wii friend code

now send a message, you should then get an email from your wii in which you’ll have to respond to so that your wii will allow you to receive/send messages to that address (until you receive an email from that address, you can’t send to it from the wii).

after you put your wii into standby mode, just reply to the email sent from the wii and in less than a few minutes your slot will glow blue indicating you got an email/message. 🙂 NOTE: you have to respond to the email sent from the wii, new messages will not work.

basically the blue light comes on whenever you have either new messages (will stay on until you turn on your wii) or if you are downloading from wiiconnect.

Here’s a vid of the glowing wii.

Jimmy S
Jimmy S
Jimmy Selix is an early adopter that loves to be one of the first on the block to have the latest and greatest in technology and gadgets. Another love of his is being able to share his knowledge to others seeking it. Feel free to drop any comments or questions that you may have.


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