If you’ve installed the Twitter for Mac application from the App Store, then you should use some (or all) of the features hidden inside.
1. Close Twitter for Mac.
2.Open Terminal and execute the desired commands from below:
Prevent repeating avatars on a user profile timeline:
defaults write com.twitter.twitter-mac UserTimelineDerepeater -bool true
Scroll over window will bring to front:
defaults write com.twitter.twitter-mac ScrollingMakesKeyAndOrdersFront -bool true
Type anywhere to automatically start a new tweet:
defaults write com.twitter.twitter-mac TypeAnywhereToTweet -bool true
Hide application in background:
defaults write com.twitter.twitter-mac HideInBackground -bool true
Compose windows float over all windows:
defaults write com.twitter.twitter-mac NormalComposeWindowLevel -bool false
ESC closes compose windows:
defaults write com.twitter.twitter-mac ESCClosesComposeWindow -bool true