Orbitfiles is a free file storage and file sharing site that offers up to 6GB of storage space which equates to lots of files to search through for free videos, music, and much more.
To look for music files, use this:
Google: site:orbitfiles.com mp3|ogg|wma
or for a specific artist, try:
Google: site:orbitfiles.com mp3|ogg|wma acdc
To search for video files, try:
Google: site:orbitfiles.com asf|rm|avi|mp4|wmv|flv
and for archives and programs:
Google: site:orbitfiles.com rar|zip|exe
Another way to navigate through your search results is to look for the Get other files from this user link on the Orbitfiles page. This will pull up all of the files from that user. Usually if someone puts up one mp3 (or other) file, they will upload many more.