Wednesday, March 26, 2025
HomeInternetGoogleGmail: How to Insert Images into an Email Message Body

Gmail: How to Insert Images into an Email Message Body

Gmail allows you to insert images into the body of an email message instead of just attaching the image. This makes for a better looking email and prevents the reader from having to open an attachment after opening the email.

1. Go to Gmail and login to your account.

2. Click the Labs icon at the upper right corner of the screen.

3. Scroll down the list to the Inserting Images Lab and select its Enable radio button.

4. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click the Save Changes button.

5. Click the Compose Mail link on the left side of the screen. Address the message and input an appropriate Subject.

6. Compose your email as usual. When you come to a place in the message where you wish to insert an image, go to the Rich Formatting toolbar and select the Insert Image icon .

7. Select the My Computer radio button if you wish to insert an image that resides on your computer. Browse to the desired image and then click the Open button to select it. Click the Add Image button to insert it into the message body.

Select the Web address (URL) radio button if you wish to insert an image that resides on the web. Input the Image URL. Click the Add Image button to insert it into the message body.

8. The image will appear in the message body. Use the included menu to select the desired size of the image (Small, Medium, Large, or Original Size). If you change your mind, select Remove from the menu.

Continue composing your email as usual.

Rob Rogers
Rob Rogers
Once a prolific author here on Tech-Recipes, Rob has moved on to greener pastures.


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