Thursday, March 27, 2025
HomeInternetFacebookSave Your Facebook Data before Deleting Your Account

Save Your Facebook Data before Deleting Your Account

For various reasons you have decided to leave Facebook. However, you are struggling with the idea of losing all the history and the information that you have placed into Facebook after all of these years. Luckily, you can backup your Facebook data to your local computer.

Even if you do not want to delete your account, you should consider backing up your Facebook data. Despite the precautions Facebook takes to ensure your data is safe, keeping a backup of your data is a great idea. Finding out someday you do not have access to this information could be very annoying. In fact, it is completely possible that one day Facebook could disable this feature. Thus, occasionally backing up your Facebook data makes a lot of sense.

Your information is available to download from your Account Settings page.

1.Access this page from any page on Facebook by clicking the settings icon at the top right of the navigation bar and then selecting Account Settings.

2.You should now see Download a copy of your Facebook data at the bottom of the page. If not, click General in the top of the left navigation links.

3.Click the download link, and you will be brought to a page outlining details on your backup. On this page, you will have the option of an archive or an expanded archive. The expanded archive has a lot more information about your account. I recommend downloading both the normal archive and the expanded archive.

4.Click Start my Archive, and Facebook will begin to gather your data for your archive.

5.Confirm that you would like your backup to be sent to your primary email.

6.Regardless of which archive you are downloading, they will both take Facebook a few minutes to create. You will receive an email to the primary email account that you have set within in Facebook.

Once you have downloaded your Facebook data, it is a good idea to save it somewhere safe. Consider archiving it with the rest of your important files. Finally, review all your data to ensure it is all intact if you are doing this in preparation of deleting your Facebook account.

Alex Bahdanovich
Alex Bahdanovich
Writer, author, wordsmith -- this tech enthusiast enjoys Starbucks, good reads, and golden retrievers.


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