Today i had a user who i had recreated their BES account and resetup their Pearl. However, after trying to reply to a few emails the user kept getting an error: transaction error – decryption error and the reply would have a red X next to it. This recipe will tell you how to fix this.
Problem: Whenever a user attempts to reply to an email, they receive an error: transaction error – decryption error
Solution: Not sure if this will work for every instance of this error, but for me it seemed to fix the problem asap (again, we use BES and Exchange for email/calender/tasks/notes).
on the blackberry handheld:
go to Device Options > Security > General Settings.
Go to the bottom and highlight where it says “Desktop” and click on it.
There should be an option to “Regenerate Encryption Keys”
it should take a few seconds and then go through a verify.
hopefully you should now be able to send emails!
Again, this may not work for everyone case of this error but for my BES User and his Pearl it did.