Unlike the Apple App Store, the Android Market has no approval process for apps or games before they appear for purchase. Not surprisingly, unsuitable apps or games will be visible to your children when they access the Android Market. By using Content Filtering you can protect your children from seeing these inappropriate apps. This tutorial will also show you how to block your children from purchasing any apps or games.
Parents of really young children probably do not want the kids to be able to purchase applications at all. Older kids might be allowed only to buy certain age appropriate apps or games. By using these techniques, you can limit what your son or daughter can see or buy on their Android device.
1. Launch the Android Market on your phone.
2. Press the Menu key, and then go to Settings.
3. To change Content Filtering level, press the Content filtering option.
4. Uncheck the type of applications or games that you want to hide, there are four rated apps types: Everyone, Low maturity, Medium maturity, High maturity. When you are done, hit OK.
5. The above steps are enough if you only want to change the Content filtering level. However, without locking this setting, anyone can change it. Therefore, I recommend to set up the PIN code. After setting up, this feature will lock the Content filtering option. Users who want to buy apps also need the code, so it can prevent the purchase as well.
6. Type in your PIN number. It must be at least 4 numbers.
8. Re-type the PIN code to confirm. When you are done, hit OK.
9. Back to the Settings page, check the Use PIN for purchases to prevent unwanted purchases option.
10. Restart your Android Market. When you go back to the Settings page, the User controls’ options are grayed out. If you want to change the settings, just choose Unlock settings and provide your PIN code.