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HomeEntertainmentGraphicsCorel PHOTO-PAINT: Getting More out of the Objects Docker

Corel PHOTO-PAINT: Getting More out of the Objects Docker

The Objects Docker displays thumbnails of the image background and each object layer, making it easy to select the appropriate object you wish to work on. By default, Corel sets the thumbnail size to Small, which can make it difficult to differentiate between similar objects. Each object also has a name listed, however, PHOTO-PAINT simply identifies the objects as Object1, Object2, etc. By changing the size of the thumbnail and giving your objects a better naming convention, you will have a much easier time selecting the appropriate object on your project.

To enlarge the thumbnails on the Objects Docker:

1. Go to the Objects Docker on the right side of the application. If the Objects Docker is not displayed, go to the Menu, select Window, mouseover Dockers and select Objects or simply press Ctrl+F7 on your keyboard.

2. Click on the small button in the upper right corner of the Docker (between the percentage control and the color palette).

3. Select Large from the context menu to display the thumbnails at the maximum size.

Now your thumbnails are easier to see:

To rename an Object:

1. Select an Object from the Docker.

2. Right-click on the Object (in the Docker) and select Properties.

3. In the Name textbox, input the desired name for the Object.

4. Click the OK button.

The Object Docker will now display the new name for the Object. (Note: You cannot change the Object name for the background, only for additional Objects)

Rob Rogers
Rob Rogers
Once a prolific author here on Tech-Recipes, Rob has moved on to greener pastures.


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