Monday, March 24, 2025
HomeEntertainmentGamesSony PSP Custom Thumbnails for Movies

Sony PSP Custom Thumbnails for Movies

Here is a guide that PlayStation Portable users will find helpful. This tutorial explains how to use Photoshop to create your own custom-made thumbnails for movies on your PSP.

The requirements for this tech-recipe are as follows:

-video or movie file converted/encoded with PSP Video 9 to PSP format
-image or photo to be used as thumbnail
-Photoshop 9 or above

If you are like me, you prefer to have things your own way. For instance, I wanted my video files to have unique movie cover art/ thumbnails instead of the default ones that PSP Video 9 creates. I searched and found a site that has some useful information, and I wanted to share.

Use the following steps to create your own thumbnails for movies:
Step 1 – Create your thumbnail using Photoshop. Try to create it with the following specifications: 160 px x 120 px with a resolution of 72 pixels per inch. This is necessary since we will save the jpg as this size.

Step 2 – After you have completed your image, go to File > Save for Web in Photoshop.

Then in the Save For Web box, change the settings in red. Click Save.

Step 3 – Finally, we will need to rename the .jpg file we created to be the same file name as the movie, but with the .THM extension. For example, the movie name that PSP Video 9 gave my Hackers movie isM4V10044.MP4. It also created a M4V10044.THM file.

We want to delete the M4V10044.THM file and rename our .jpg to M4V10044.THM. (It is the default thumbnail that PSP Video 9 created for the movie. The movie name we use in PSP Video 9 gets saved into the MP4 itself.)

Then transfer the movie to your PSP. (Be sure to keep your MP4 and THM files together.) Now you have your own custom movie or video cover art.

Jimmy S
Jimmy S
Jimmy Selix is an early adopter that loves to be one of the first on the block to have the latest and greatest in technology and gadgets. Another love of his is being able to share his knowledge to others seeking it. Feel free to drop any comments or questions that you may have.


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