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Sony PSP CFW : Getting purchased Final Fantasy VII from PSN Store working on CFW 5.00x

This recipe explains how to spoof your CFW PSP’s version.txt file to allow you to play games requiring a newer firmware version. This also lets you your purchased Final Fantasy VII from the PSN store on a CFW 5.00 M33-2 PSP.

This recipe is for you PSP users out there.  During this year’s E3 announcements, Sony and Square Enix re-released the official PSone classic Final Fantasy VII on their PSN store.

However, in order to play the purchased Finaly Fantasy VII from the PSN store is by having official PSP firmware 5.50.

For us long time CFW users, updating to a non-CFW seems like a huge sacrifice.  Lets avoid that!
Starting with CFW versions 5.00; Dark Alex included a version.txt plugin that allows you to ‘spoof’ your PSPs firmware version to games.

Some newer games of course require more than just a version check, the new firmwares may contain updated api libraries, things that can’t be spoofed, etc and this may not work with.

HOWEVER, PSone classics should not be a problem since its functionality most likely is a given and for the most part is in its final state/version.

How to spoof your CFW PSP 5.00 M-xx version to a PSP 5.50:


  • PSP w/CFW 5.00 M33-2 (dark alex 5.00 M33-2 variant tested/working)
  • Final Fantasy VII purchased from PSN
  • PS3 (Optional, i downloaded it to my ps3 and then to psp from ps3)
  • PC and usb cable

1. Boot your PSP and hold the R trigger.  This boots you to your CFW recovery menu. It will look like this:


M33 Recovery Menu
Main menu

Toggle USB
Configuration ->

Advanced ->
CPU Speed ->

Plugins ->

Registry hacks ->



2. Go to Configuration

3. Then go to XMB USB Device (currently: Memory Stick) and hit X until it shows: Flash 0

4. Then go down to Use version.txt (currently: Disabled) and hit X to Enable it.

5. Then go to Back and then Exit.  Your psp will reboot.

6. Connect you PSP to your PC.

7. Go to your PSP’s memory stick in My Computer (it should show as Memory Stick)

8. Once in your memory stick, go to the VSH folder, then to the etc folder.

9. In here will be a version.txt.  First we will need to make sure its not read-only, right-click on the file and go to Properties and uncheck the Read-Only attribute and hit OK.  Now open the version.txt file, it will look like such:

10. all we need to do here is to change the release:5.00: to release:5.50: and then save the file.

11.  i would also reboot your PSP and go back into the recovery menu and change the XMB Usb Device back to Memory Stick afterwards.

12. Enjoy your legimate PSN purchased Final Fantasy VII on your CFW PSP! We keep our homebrew but still can support our developers and sony with our purchases!! 🙂

Jimmy S
Jimmy S
Jimmy Selix is an early adopter that loves to be one of the first on the block to have the latest and greatest in technology and gadgets. Another love of his is being able to share his knowledge to others seeking it. Feel free to drop any comments or questions that you may have.


  1. Lol! That was hilarious.


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