Tuesday, March 25, 2025
HomeEntertainmentGamesPSP Go - Toggle audio between speakers and bluetooth headset

PSP Go – Toggle audio between speakers and bluetooth headset

For PSP Go owners, a very cool feature is the ability to pair bluetooth devices with the system. This recipe will show you how to toggle between outputting audio between the PSP Go’s speakers/headphone jack and a bluetooth headset/speaker.

1. Pair your bluetooth device with your PSP Go.

-Go to Settings > Bluetooth Device Settings
-Be sure to turn the Bluetooth Connection ON. Then select Manage Bluetooth Devices.
-Click on Register New Devices; put your headset into pairing mode and pair it with the PSP Go by following the onscreen prompts.

2. Once your headset/device is paired. Be sure to leave the Bluetooth Connection on.
3. Finally, open up the music player or a game and when you want to switch between the PSP Go’s speaker or your headset, just hold the Audio button on top for about 7 seconds. It will change the volume icon w/a bluetooth icon and audio on your PSP Go should start outputting via your headset.

To toggle back to speakers/headphones, again hold the audio button for about 7 seconds and it will switch back.

This should work with any bluetooth headset and does not require it being a stereo headset (ie any $5 headset should work).

Jimmy S
Jimmy Shttp://blogs.tech-recipes.com/jimmyselix
Jimmy Selix is an early adopter that loves to be one of the first on the block to have the latest and greatest in technology and gadgets. Another love of his is being able to share his knowledge to others seeking it. Feel free to drop any comments or questions that you may have.


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