Following these steps will permanently sync the bluetooth of a new controller to a Nintendo Wii console system.
Cyndi tweeted us the following question:
I just purchased my second Wii remote, but I do not know how to link it to the Nintendo Wii console. How do I sync the my new remote with my system?
In helping people setup their Wii, I have experienced this question a lot. Getting the new controller (which many people refer to as a “remote”) to sync correctly can be difficult. If you follow these steps, you should have no difficulties.
1. Turn on your Wii and let it finish booting up.
2. Take off the battery cover off the new controller.
3. Press the sync button on the new controller. All the blue leds will light up and blink.
4. Press the sync button under the SD card slot on the wii console.

5. The blue leds on the controller will stop blinking when you are done.

You must follow these steps for each individual new controller you sync with your Nintendo Wii system. If these steps fail, you can try these additional recommendations. Occasionally, a Wii controller with weak batteries will not sync correctly. If you are having a difficult time with syncing, try loading the remote with fresh batteries first. Sometimes, the Wii console is not responding appropriately. Remove the power cord for a 20-30 seconds and then reboot the Wii before trying to sync the controller again.
There is a myth about having to hold the sync button for 15 seconds. This is not true and is not required.
This article has been revised and updated with additional information. If you are still having problems, just leave your question in the comments below.