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HomeEntertainmentGamesHack Joe Danger Infinity to Have Infinite Coins and Unlock All Vehicles

Hack Joe Danger Infinity to Have Infinite Coins and Unlock All Vehicles

In Joe Infinity, players race through different tracks to earn coins and use them to unlock vehicles or costumes. If the items you desire take too long to unlock, the following hack will help you get them in no time.

This save includes 10,000,000+ coins to spend. All vehicles with special abilities and costumes are unlocked. You can switch them in the store. Please note that by using this save file, your current game progress is lost. Therefore, you should always back up the progress before overriding the save file.

If you have trouble with the provided save game, re-install the game, and race at least two tracks until you see the guide that asks you to select the rocket. From this point, you should be able to override the save without any problems.

1. Make sure that you have iFunbox installed on your computer so that we can get to the game’s save folder.

2. Connect your device to the computer, launch iFunbox if it is not running, go to the iFunbox classic tab, and navigate to User Applications -> Joe Infinity folder.

3. Before we override the save file, make sure to back up your current process so that you have a safe point to switch back to if something goes wrong.

Right-click on the Documents folder, choose Copy To PC, and save the folder to a safe location on your hard drive.

iOS hack Joe Danger Infinity

4. Next, download the following save file, and extract it to your hard drive. There will be two files in the extracted folder: InfinitySave.sav and storeKitReceipts.archive.

5. Close the game if it is running. On your computer, go back to iFunbox, right-click on an empty space inside the Joe Infinity -> Documents folder, and choose Copy From PC. Choose the two files above.

copy files from computer to iOS devices

6. Safely disconnect your device from the computer, and play the game. You can switch vehicles from the store.

iOS Joe Danger Infinity hack

iOS Joe Danger Infinity hack

iOS Joe Danger Infinity hack iOS Joe Danger Infinity hack

Lê Hoàng
Lê Hoàng
When not creating exciting new Android games, Lê Hoàng is here crafting tutorials, tweaks, and fixes for your enjoyment.


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