You can save your frequently used Find and Replace searches so that you no longer have to recreate them each time you want to use them. To do this, use the steps below.
To Save a Search
1. Select Edit | Find and Replace… (or Press Ctrl+F) to bring up the Find and Replace dialog box.
2. Create your search.
3. Click Save Query (the diskette icon), and the Save Query dialog box will appear.
4. Select a location for the file, and enter a name for the Find and Replace search.
5. Click Save.
To Use a Saved Search
1. Select Edit | Find and Replace… (or Press Ctrl+F) to bring up the Find and Replace dialog box.
2. Click Load Query (the folder icon) to bring up the Load Query dialog box.
3. Navigate to the file.
4. Click Open.
Your search’s constructed specifications appear in the Find and Replace dialog box.