Several people have reported this error when trying to update software in OS X over the last few days.
When trying to update my RAW drivers, I noted the following error:
The operation couldn’t be completed. (NSURLErrorDomain error -1102.)(-1102)
Several other users have reported similar NSURLErrorDomain errors over the last couple of days.
Luckily, the errors do not seem to be serious. I just ignored the error 5 or 6 times and retried to update. Finally, the update operation completed successfully. Other users have told us that they get NSURLErrorDomain errors when trying to update from work, but the errors are not present when updating from home.
For all users, the errors have gone away simply by repeating the update process.
Although Apple has not yet released a statement regarding this mac error, these errors are likely caused by several different mechanisms in the updating process. Luckily, for our users thus far, these errors have been temporary and only annoying.