Friday, March 28, 2025
HomeApple MacSafari 4: Modify the Top Sites Display

Safari 4: Modify the Top Sites Display

Using Top Sites, Safari 4 keeps track of the sites that you visit the most and displays preview thumbnails for these sites. By modifying the display to your liking, it can become a useful tool for quickly going to a site or seeing if these sites have new content since your last visit.

1. Open Safari

2. Go to the upper right corner and click the +,

or click the Show Top Sites button on the Bookmarks Bar,

or use Shift+Command+1 on your keyboard.

3. When Top Sites is displayed, go to the bottom left corner and click Edit.

To remove sites from Top Sites, click the X in the upper left corner of the corresponding thumbnail.

To pin a site to a position on the grid, click the thumbtack in the upper left corner of the corresponding thumbnail.

You can reposition thumbnails by dragging and dropping the desired thumbnail to its desired place on the grid.

You can change the size of the thumbnails by going to the lower right corner of the screen and choosing either Small, Medium, or Large from the available buttons.

4. When you are finished, click the Done button in the lower left corner of the screen.

Rob Rogers
Rob Rogers
Once a prolific author here on Tech-Recipes, Rob has moved on to greener pastures.


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