OS X 10.5 allows the user to view folders placed in the dock in two very beautiful and helpful ways — Fan or Grid. Apple refers to this new feature as Stacks. Here is how to use this new aspect of Leopard.
Any folder can be placed into the dock by dragging and dropping. The contents of these folders can be viewed in two new ways.
Fan displays the folder contents as a leaning tower “fanning” away. Fan is idea for folders with few items.
Grid displays the folder contents as a grid on the screen. Grid is an efficent way to view a great numbers of items within a folder at once. An application folder is an excellent example of this.
You may switch between these two by either right-clicking (ctrl-click) on the folder icon in the dock or just clicking and holding the icon. Either way, the option menu will appear and you can select through the “View as” menu.
Here are some real life examples of these in action: