Sunday, March 23, 2025
HomeApple MaciPad: How to Configure and Use Picture Frame Mode to Display Photos

iPad: How to Configure and Use Picture Frame Mode to Display Photos

When your not using your iPad, it makes an excellent picture frame to display your favorite digital images. By using Picture Frame Mode, you can cycle through selected images and add some life to your otherwise boring desk.

Picture Frame Mode is activated from the lock screen. At the bottom right of the screen, across from the slider control, you will find the Picture Frame button.

To configure Picture Frame:

1. Open Settings.

2. In the left column, select Picture Frame.

3. On the right side you will find Picture Frames various settings.

You can choose between Dissolve and Origami transitions. Dissolve will go from one full image to the next while Origami uses a folding and unfolding method to display images, some combined with others, some displayed in full.

If Dissolve is selected as a transition method, you can choose to have the device Zoom in on Faces or disable this functionality.

By using the Shuffle toggle, you can control whether images are displayed in a certain order or at random.

At the bottom you can select to either display All Photos on the device or to only display images from your Albums. If you select Albums, you can select and deselect the listed albums to control which albums are displayed.

Rob Rogers
Rob Rogers
Once a prolific author here on Tech-Recipes, Rob has moved on to greener pastures.


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