This recipe will explain how to activate the Cellular Data service on your new iPad 3G.
Data plans start at:
$14.99 for 250MBs of data for a month
$29.99 for unlimited data for a month.
Data service can be purchased directly from your iPad without a wireless internet connection. All you need is AT&T data service coverage and your VISA/MC/AMEX credit card.
1. Go to Settings > Cellular Data
2. Tap on View Account
3. Enter in your full information (if your a first time user) or login using the email address and password you had setup previously.
4. At the bottom, you are given the choices of the two data plans. Tap on the one you want and then enter in your credit card information and tap on Submit.
5. Agree to the Terms of Service and your account/purchase will be processed.
6. It will take a few minutes for the data service to activate, you will receive a Pop-up Notification once it is.
7. Enjoy your internet anywhere iPad experience!
-Add a calendar reminder for when your months worth of data expires
-Unlimited data plans may be cheaper in the long term vs the 250mb. 250mbs of data can easily be consumed in a few days of streaming netflix or air video or any other video streaming app.