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HomeInternetHTMLRunning Your Own SHOUTcast Server/Streaming Using XP Prof and IIS

Running Your Own SHOUTcast Server/Streaming Using XP Prof and IIS

The following Tech-Recipes tutorial contains a guide for setting up your own Winamp/SHOUTcast server on Windows XP Professional using IIS 5.0

Windows XP Professional
Winamp 3.0 or higher
Highspeed, always-on Internet connection
Basic networking skills

Setting up your own Winamp/SHOUTcast server using Windows XP Professional

1. Windows XP Professional installed
2. Connected to the Internet via highspeed Internet connection
3. IIS Services installed
If you need to install IIS Services, use the following instructions:
-Go to Control Panel > Add/Remove Programs > Add/Remove Windows Components.
-Go to Internet Information Services and click Details. Now choose World Wide Web Service. (The required components will be checked automatically. Check the documentation option, too.) Click OK and let XP install IIS.
4. Basic networking skills (You need to know how to setup forward ports in router, if needed.)
To manage IIS / Webserver, right click My Computer > Manage
Go to the bottom, and you will see Internet Information Services. The webserver controls will be there. Set up a basic homepage, if you want. (not required)
5. Once you have a webserver running, find out your IP address and see if you can ping it from another computer outside of your network. If so, your are live to the Web.

If not, you might need to configure your router to open up/forward ports. We will be using port 8080 for the SHOUTcast stream.

SHOUTcast Installation and Setup:
1. Download the software
2. Open the installation file.
3. Install the software.
4. Next, we need to edit the SHOUTcast server configuration.
Go to your Start Menu > Programs > Shoutcast DNAS > Edit Shoutcast DNAS Settings
A text file will open, this the config file for the server.

Important Components/Settings:
MaxUsers=XX – Maximum number of users
Password=XX -This MUST BE SET. We will need this for the Winamp SHOUTcast Console.
PortBase=8080 (This is the port that Shoutcast stream will use. The default is 8080. I leave it at that.)

The other components given are optional.

Once you set your options, save the file.

5. Now open Winamp.
Go to Preferences
Then go to the Plugins : DSP/Effect
Click the Nullsoft SHOUTcast Source DSP plugin.

Once you do, you will get a new SHOUTcast Source box.
Go to the Output Tab.
Make sure the Password is the same as the one we set in the server configuration in step 4. Also the port is the same as well.

If you have more than one PC running a server, put in the local IP address of the computer in Address. Otherwise, leave it as is.

Next, go to the Encoder Tab, choose the type you want, (MP3 Encoder), and the settings. I recommend 128kbps, 44,100kHz, Stereo. (I have 1.5mbs DSL.)

Running Your SHOUTcast Station
1. Start the SHOUTcast server
Start Menu > Programs > ShoutCase DNAS > Shoutcast DNAS (GUI)
A command box with status and info will show up now.

2, Open up Winamp. If the Shoutcast Source box does not open with Winamp, go into winamps Preferences > Plugins : DSP/Effects and make sure the SHoutcast DSP plugin is highlighted.

3. Load some songs and play them. To listen to your station from a different location, just open up a web browser and put in your IP address and :8080
(Example: www.mywebserver:8080 or 102.332.4.2:8080 )
Once you do, you will be brought to your SHOUTcast page, and you can listen to your station or see what is playing and so on.


Jimmy S
Jimmy S
Jimmy Selix is an early adopter that loves to be one of the first on the block to have the latest and greatest in technology and gadgets. Another love of his is being able to share his knowledge to others seeking it. Feel free to drop any comments or questions that you may have.


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