Saturday, March 1, 2025
HomeEntertainmentSony Ericsson K800i white screen of death (wsod) fix

Sony Ericsson K800i white screen of death (wsod) fix

This is just a quickie on how to fix any WSOD or Blank screen w/blinking IRDA problems for a Sony Ericsson K800i.

You will need to purchase a credits to fix your phone however the update will not use it so you have a credit in case you ever need to update firmware or run EROM update again; the problem from what i’ve read around the forums seems to point to a problem w/K800i and its EROM.

It seems when poweroff the device, you can corrupt the EROM and that in turns causing your phone to not power on or just power on to a white screen. Wotanserver’s client can fix the EROM by updating it before it tries to flash the phone.

Normally, you have to hold the C button prior to connect to put your phone into a firmware update mode, however when you get the WSOD or no screen; the C does nothing. You will actually have to hold the numbers 2 and 5 to enter the update mode.

I will give a quickie run through on doing this (sure beats sending your phone back to sony for like a month and then having it happen again; hell might as well learn to fix yourself! its easy and cheap!)

This might not work in all cases or wsod problems, but seems to be a major first thing to try if you do have these problems. You will need to have an account w/a credit in it but update does not use the credit. (about $10 USD)

Software needed:

    wotanserver client (
    wotanserver usb drivers (on main page)
    Step 1. Install the wotanserver, flash USB drivers.

Step 2. Download the latest wotanserver client from their main site. Run the .exe to start the client.

Step 3. Remove your phone’s battery and put back in. Then hold down the 2 and 5 buttons on your keypad. Connect the phone to the USB cable.

Step 4. You might get some prompts to install the flash driver, just click the install automatically options.

Step 5. In Wotanserver, click the start button and hopefully you’ll see some info and data shown to the left. Here’s what i saw when i fixed my EROM. Notice the part about EROM: starting upgrade.!

Step 6. Do as wotanserver says, remove the battery and let the phone sit for a few minutes and then put battery in and SMILE that your phone now works again!!!!! 🙂

Thanks Wotanserver and the peeps for the info/tips. Just putting this fix somewhere thats easier to find.

Jimmy S
Jimmy S
Jimmy Selix is an early adopter that loves to be one of the first on the block to have the latest and greatest in technology and gadgets. Another love of his is being able to share his knowledge to others seeking it. Feel free to drop any comments or questions that you may have.


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