Friday, February 14, 2025
HomeMicrosoft OfficeMicrosoft WordWord 2007: Handy Keyboard Shortcuts

Word 2007: Handy Keyboard Shortcuts

I’m a keyboard junkie and love my shortcuts. Here are some useful ones for you future Word 2007 powerusers. Enjoy.

Document Open/New/Saving

New Document:
Ctrl + N

Open Document:
Ctrl + O

Go to last location you were working in when document was closed (after doc is opened):
Shift + F5

Save Document:
Ctrl + S

Save As

Close Document:
Ctrl + W



Show/Hide Paragraph marks and hidden text:
Ctrl + Shift + 4 (not num key 4)

Reveal Formatting:
Shift + F1

Open Font dialog box:
Ctrl + D

Turn off/on Track Changes:
Ctrl + Shift + E

Delete one word to left:
Ctrl + Backspace

Delete one word to right:

Spelling / Grammar check:

Print Document:
Ctrl + P

Print Preview (toggle between):
Ctrl + Alt + I

Navigating the Ribbon

Home tab:
Alt + H

Insert tab:
Alt + N

Page Layout tab:
Alt + P

References tab:
Alt + S

Mailings tab:
Alt + M

Review tab:
Alt + R

View tab:
Alt + W

also, after you hit the alt + key to get to the tab you want, the items on the tab will have another key you can hit to use them. hit alt on any tab to see the shortcuts or use them. 🙂

Jimmy S
Jimmy S
Jimmy Selix is an early adopter that loves to be one of the first on the block to have the latest and greatest in technology and gadgets. Another love of his is being able to share his knowledge to others seeking it. Feel free to drop any comments or questions that you may have.


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