In Oracle, you can create an auto increment field using ‘sequence’ database object that can be assigned as primary keys. Using Oracle ‘sequence’ object, you can generate new values for a column. An Oracle sequence is an object like a table or a stored procedure. Examples with walkthrough explanations are provided.
Create a sequence.
Create sequence sequence_name
start with value
increment by value
minvalue value
maxvalue value;
Let’s walk through an example.
First, let’s create an emp table with primary key constraint on emp_id column.
SQL> create table emp (
emp_id number(10),
fname varchar2(25),
lname varchar2(25),
constraint pk_emp_id PRIMARY KEY(emp_id)
Now let’s create a sequence.
SQL> Create sequence emp_sequence
start with 1
increment by 1
minvalue 1
maxvalue 10000;
Now we have created a sequence object named emp_sequence with starting value as 1 and incrementing by 1 from 1 (minvalue) to 10000 (maxvalue).
Now let’s insert the values into emp table.
SQL> insert into emp (emp_id,fname,lname) values(emp_sequence.nextval,'Darvin','Johnson');
SQL> insert into emp (emp_id,fname,lname) values(emp_sequence.nextval,'Mig','Andrews');
SQL> insert into emp (emp_id,fname,lname) values(emp_sequence.nextval,'Alex','Martin');
SQL> insert into emp (emp_id,fname,lname) values(emp_sequence.nextval,'Jon','paul');
SQL> insert into emp (emp_id,fname,lname) values(emp_sequence.nextval,'Yatin','Bones');
In emp_sequence.nextval where emp_sequence is the name of sequence we created above and nextval is a function that is used to assign the next number from emp_sequence to emp_id column in emp table.
Now let’s see the emp table.
SQL> select * from emp; EMP_ID FNAME LNAME ---------- ------------------------- ------------------------- 1 Darvin Johnson 2 Mig Andrews 3 Alex Martin 4 Jon paul 5 Yatin Bones
Now you can see using ‘sequence’ the emp_id column has auto incremented values from 1 to 5.