Friday, March 14, 2025
HomeGamesNintendo WiiWii: Control your PCs Winamp with the Wii Opera Browser

Wii: Control your PCs Winamp with the Wii Opera Browser

This recipe will let you control your pc’s winamp via the Wii web browser and browseamp plugin for winamp. This requires a wii, pc, winamp and browseamp plugin, and basic networking skills. Props to Liquidice for the original recipe i’ve ported to many devices (psp, mda, pc). btw, i’ve been sitting on trying this since i heard the wii was getting a browser! this will work for a ps3 too (anything that has a web browser).

Controlling Winamp via your Wii and Opera browser

Step 1. Install Winamp (

Step 2. Install Browseamp (plugin for winamp, )

Step 3. Download my custom seamonkeyNETREMOTE skins (

Step 4. Copy the seamonkeyREMOTE folder thats extracted from the zip to the browseamp plugin folder (usually C:\Program Files\Winamp\plugins\browseamp)

Step 5. Setup Browseamp.

be sure to set your port to one that does not conflict w/any other ones on your pc running winamp w/browseamp (i use 8090)

also be sure to setup the music folder in browseamp (in red)

finally, choose my skin (seamonkeyNETREMOTE)

you can also setup security if you like on the last tab, once your set, go to the first tab and click on the Start Server button.

Step 6. Start up Opera on your Wii. Go to your computer’s IP address on your network w/the port followed (ie for me, the :8090 tells the browser to go to that port.

(can find by going to Start Menu > Run > type in “CMD” and hit enter. You’ll get a dos window, type “ipconfig” and you will get your IP address)

Hopefully you’ll get the my browseamp skin page and can take control of your music on the pc.

Here’s the youtube video walkthrough and it in action (just uploaded):


-great for parties! except if your playing the wii!

-can’t get the page browseamp page to come up? if your using XP, open up the port in the Firewall by going to the exceptions tab and adding the port. also if you use a router w/a firewall, you might need to open up the ports in the firewall to both the wii and pc and also setup port triggers for the port

-also. nice if you run a shoutcast server too, lets you admin it from anywhere, you can setup a and access this portal from the web too! (see my other recipe on setting up shoutcast,

Jimmy S
Jimmy S
Jimmy Selix is an early adopter that loves to be one of the first on the block to have the latest and greatest in technology and gadgets. Another love of his is being able to share his knowledge to others seeking it. Feel free to drop any comments or questions that you may have.


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