You can connect a Cisco switch and router via 802.1q trunking. This configuration is known as a router-on-a-stick.
First, let us start with the switch. VLAN 1 exists by default, so we will add a couple of other VLANs:
vlan 100
name data
state active
vlan 200
name data
state active
Now, we will configure the switchport to connect to the router:
interface fastethernet 1/0/1
switchport trunk encapsulation dot1q
switchport mode trunk
Now, we will move to the router.
interface fastethernet 0/0
no ip address
interface fastethernet 0/0.1
encapsulation dot1q 1 native
interface fastethernet 0/0.100
encapsulation dot1q 100
ip address
interface fastethernet 0/0.200
encapsulation dot1q 200
ip address
At this point, workstations on VLAN 100 should be able to ping the address, and workstations on VLAN 200 should be able to ping the address.
If, for some reason, the native VLAN on the switchport is something other than one (1), change the encapsulation statement on the router, or the trunk may not form.