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HomeApple MacMac OS X: DVD Backup Guide

Mac OS X: DVD Backup Guide

This tech-recipe explains backing up DVDs you own on a Mac running OS X. The steps require the use of a commercial program called Toast Titanium.

Just because you own a Mac does not mean you cannot make backups of your DVD movies. Having a backup of your videos can be useful. For example, I prefer to take these with me on trips instead of my original DVDs. Here is a simple way to back up DVDs with MacTheRipper and Toast 7 Titanium.

Step 1. Install MacTheRipper and Toast Titanium. (Get MacTheRipper here: Toast is a commercial application.)

Step 2: Set up a temporary folder. You will rip your DVDs to this file. (A good set up means easy backups.)

Step 3: Put in a DVD, and then launch MacTheRipper. MacTheRipper is a Mac equivalent of DVD Decrypter for PC.

Go to File > Save To to change to the temporary folder you set up. Then choose your mode.

If you have a full movie with menus, choose to do a Disc mode.

If you have a movie only with no menus, choose Mode > Title Set Extraction, and then choose the title. (The title 01 is usually the main, English title for most movies.) Then hit Go.

This process might take about 10 to 15 minutes, depending on your Mac.

When the process is complete, the Done screen will appear.

Step 4. Use Toast 7 Titanium to compress/burn the movie to DVD.

Open up Toast 7 TItanium. Click on the Video Tab, and then choose DVD-Video from VIDEO_TS.

Now, press the Select button, and find the folder to which you just ripped.

You should have a few more options. Depending on if you ripped the whole movie with menus or just the movie, your options will change. Toast will compress the movie if its over 4.36GB in size. So far, the compression is equivalent to DVD2one’s on the PC side. Here are a few of the options you can set.

If you change to Main Movie only, you can select the audio streams and more.

Pop in a blank DVD, and click the burn button. This might take some time depending on if your movie has to be compressed or not. Some movies will be a 1:1 video backup, while longer ones may be compressed.
If the process is successful, once your movie finishes compressing and burning, it will mount and play on your Mac.

That concludes my first Mac DVD Backup guide. Email me with questions or comments.


-If you have problems with the video not encoding with Toast, just rip the whole DVD each time if you have the extra HD space. That way, you can choose to have Toast remove the menus or if you want to keep them.

As always, this guide is for backup/educational purpose only. I do not promote piracy or bootlegging.


Jimmy S
Jimmy S
Jimmy Selix is an early adopter that loves to be one of the first on the block to have the latest and greatest in technology and gadgets. Another love of his is being able to share his knowledge to others seeking it. Feel free to drop any comments or questions that you may have.


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